The New Year is upon us and I am thrilled with the endless possibilities we have to experience in life and expect in God's greatness. Two years ago I wrote and completed my first resolution and since that year I've been inspired to continue setting and pursuing New Year resolutions/goals. Truth be told, it wasn't the first resolution I wrote but it was the first one I completed and although I won't tell you about it on this post I wanted to share with you my resolutions/goals for the upcoming year.
Before I tell you about my aspirations for he upcoming year I think it's important to note that starting tomorrow our century is officially a teenager! Dear Century, Happy 13th Birthday! And congratulations for everything you've experienced thus far. In the past 13 years I've seen our century experience and overcome the awfulness of the 90's style; the heartbreaking sorrow of 9/11; the confusion of Canada going to war in Afghanistan; the downfall and comeback of Britney Spears; the Da Vinci code; the world's greatest homemaker go to jail (oh Martha); the excitement of the Olympics coming to Vancouver; the Haiti earthquake, and the world's grievous response; the H1N1 virus; the first black president of the United States; the confusing events that lead from "nerdy" to becoming "cool" and eventually leading to the creation of the "hipster"; the death of the king of pop; somehow vampires going from scary to romantic (?); my people getting stuck in a mine for three months; the end of the Harry Potter movies; the Royal Wedding; the many lives lost to the outbreak of Beiber Fever; the Spice Girls reuniting for the London Olympics; and the end of the Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale Batman franchise. That is a long list but a lot happened in the past twelve years! Now as a teenager, I predict our century will have a more developed brain but a possibly stupider outlook on life, a whole lot more drama than what we've seen in the past, a new sense of adventure, the ability to take-on more responsibilities, and maybe even a first love. So, good things are yet to come.
As for me and my life, there are a few things I hope for the upcoming year. I made two sets of goals, one of the sets is things I would like to change about my life indefinitely and the other set of goals are things I would like to accomplish in this year. So, for the latter set of goals, I'm okay with letting go of these once the year is over, regardless of whether they were "successful" or not (this depends on how you measure success).
Before I tell you about my aspirations for he upcoming year I think it's important to note that starting tomorrow our century is officially a teenager! Dear Century, Happy 13th Birthday! And congratulations for everything you've experienced thus far. In the past 13 years I've seen our century experience and overcome the awfulness of the 90's style; the heartbreaking sorrow of 9/11; the confusion of Canada going to war in Afghanistan; the downfall and comeback of Britney Spears; the Da Vinci code; the world's greatest homemaker go to jail (oh Martha); the excitement of the Olympics coming to Vancouver; the Haiti earthquake, and the world's grievous response; the H1N1 virus; the first black president of the United States; the confusing events that lead from "nerdy" to becoming "cool" and eventually leading to the creation of the "hipster"; the death of the king of pop; somehow vampires going from scary to romantic (?); my people getting stuck in a mine for three months; the end of the Harry Potter movies; the Royal Wedding; the many lives lost to the outbreak of Beiber Fever; the Spice Girls reuniting for the London Olympics; and the end of the Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale Batman franchise. That is a long list but a lot happened in the past twelve years! Now as a teenager, I predict our century will have a more developed brain but a possibly stupider outlook on life, a whole lot more drama than what we've seen in the past, a new sense of adventure, the ability to take-on more responsibilities, and maybe even a first love. So, good things are yet to come.
As for me and my life, there are a few things I hope for the upcoming year. I made two sets of goals, one of the sets is things I would like to change about my life indefinitely and the other set of goals are things I would like to accomplish in this year. So, for the latter set of goals, I'm okay with letting go of these once the year is over, regardless of whether they were "successful" or not (this depends on how you measure success).
1. pass all my classes
2. learn to like apples and carrots
3. Write every single day. At least 250 words
4. start exercising again (either by going to the gym, going to classes, or starting up sports again once I'm over my injury)
5. be more fun with my hair
6. wear more dress/blazer combos
Goals for this Year:
1. Get Mindy Kaling to tweet me.
2. Learn to run again
3. Read "Les Miserables"
4. Do Hot Yoga one time
5. Go to Disneyland
6. complete Tough Mudder
7. Win camp run
8. Make Shawna like Thai food
9. read "My Life in Heels" before the next staff Christmas party
10. do the scorpion pose in yoga
Now that I've shared these goals/aspirations with you I hope you can keep me accountable and encourage me when I want to give up on them. If you send me your goals/aspirations know that I can do these things for you too! Have a Happy New Year and I hope you feel excited for all the possibilities ahead!
I love the illustration of an aging century!