Friday, 25 January 2013

Paulo Coelho

How true is that! I know I've had times in my life when it seemed as though nothing was happening and I was just waiting to be called to something huge or asked to do something great and of course nothing continued to happen. Eventually I slowly began getting involved in small things that later evolved into bigger things but there have been seasons in my life where I felt like nothing was really happening and like life was moving slowly.

Then there have been the times when everything happens all at once. I remember in February of 2011 I signed up my to organize and write up blurbs on the breakout sessions for our girl's conference, Illuminate. I was still in school at the time and I remember working on a small assignment, a large paper, and having to study for a midterm while also trying to figure out the breakout session speakers and their topics. All of that was doable but three days before my paper was due and the day before I needed to give Laura the write-ups my computer crashed. Talk about everything happening at once. Needless to say I cried at the computer help desk so they would fix it for me right away (instead of making me wait till the end of the weekend) and everything worked out in the end but I definitely felt like my will was tested in those few days and short moments.

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