Thursday, 15 November 2012

My little unicorn

Ode to my unicorn. 

Glistening and gleaming, you caught my eye!

Shiny, pearly white, like you fell from the sky
I picked you up, you instantly brought joy to my life
"Sixty cents?" I exclaimed, "now that's a good price!"
I owned you for about the minutes you were worth in cents
But what doesn't make sense is this nonsense so intense!

As I stepped out the store you somehow slipped from my grip

And out of my hands did you fall way too quick!
All of a sudden you hit the hard ground with a force
My perfect little unicorn, now a three-legged horse.

Obviously this is a joke, and I'm not that upset about my second-hand-store-awesome-find-sixty-cent unicorn. However, this was a good lesson in life. In the Bible God says that He alone is "the Lord [our] God," and that we "shall have no other gods before [him]" (Exodus 20:2-3). He then goes on to say "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below" (Exodus 20:4).

Later on in Exodus 32, God's people are all hanging out with their leader Moses and then Moses is like "hey peeps! I'm going to go up this mountain yo and hang out with God". Moses then peaces out for approximately two weeks and the people of God are like "oh em gee where is Moses? I know! Let's take all the gold we own and make a calf out of it so we can worship it!" So they do this and when Moses get's back he's obviously extremely angry and is like, "I left you alone for two weeks and you already sinned hugely against God? What is wrong with you!?". It's a pretty awesome story and you should read it, actually all of Exodus is pretty cool so if you have the time I highly suggest it. Anyways, I'm not sure how many times I've read this story in itself but every time I've read it I've thought to myself, "those were the people you chose God? Who would ever take a trinket and worship it like it was you? That is so super amateur of them -- I would totally never do that!"...

 Now this is awkward because I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened with my unicorn. I fell in great like with that unicorn the moment I lay eyes on it. I had plans to put him on my desk and to look at him whenever I felt upset, down or uninspired. I was thinking of names to call him and thought of all the compliments I would get when new people would come into our office and look over at my desk. "What a lovely unicorn!" they would say and I would reply, "thank you, I got (insert magical name here) at the Salvation Army actually... I know only $0.60... I can't believe someone would throw him out either!... No sorry he's not for sale, not even for $2,000,000" I kid you not I literally had this unicorn in my hand for a total of 5 minutes before I broke it so although this story sounds ridiculous this is just me filling you in (especially the boys) on how the female psyche works. 

Anyhoo -- that's what I get for making myself an image in the form of anything from earth. Our God is way too big to be represented by ANYTHING in this world or in outer space or in this universe. When we praise anything other than him, when we worship anything other than him, or when we adore anything above him we are ultimately setting ourselves up for dissapointment. No matter how hard we work on it or how expensive our man-made-god is, we will eventually discover that it is just as destructible as a porcelain trinket. Now that I think about it, one of the reasons why God doesn't want us to worship anything else above him is probably partially for our own good. Anything that we may worship other than him will eventually break, fail, disappear, leave, die, blow up, or change. Thankfully our God is eternal, unfailing, and unfluctuating -- and because of this and so much more He is worthy of all our praise.

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