I'm currently at chemo and decided I would write a blog so I could first hand show my followers the type of delirious I become thanks to a few little drugs being introduced into my system. If this blog doesn't make sense just read it till the end to humour me... maybe something will stick out to you, maybe not, maybe I'll accidentally say something blasphemous... who knows.
Now before I get into my ideas of a heart of worship I want you to keep in mind that the worship I'm referring to is singing priases to God. I know our whole lives are an act of worship but that topic will be for another day.
Truth time, I have always wanted to be a worship pastor. I remember talking to Andy in his office when I was a first year intern and he asked me if I could have any position in the entire church what would it be. I gave him a funny look and he almost immediately said, "You want to be a preacher don't you!?" to which I answered, "well if I could really be anything I wish I could be a worship pastor but I can't play an instrument, I can't sing, and I'm tune death (yes I said tune and not tone - aca-awkward!)". And why did I want to be a worship pastor? Because they get to sing to God with beautiful voices and bring his people into a place of complete surrender and freedom at the same time. and who doesn't love to bring freedom? I know Mel Gibson does!
Still, no matter how musically-challenged you may be as Christians we are always called to Worship God; and not just worship him in the good times when he's doing nice things for us but in the bad times too -- sometimes when we don't even feel he may be there. I also think worship is a funny thing because when ever I start worshiping God through singing I start praying for all the things I need help with in my life (specifically healing right now). It's so easy to sing praises to God when he is blessing your life and giving you a reason to praise him. It's so difficult to praise God when nothing seems to be going well and there may not be very many reasons to praise him. BUT our praise to God should be unchanging, unfluctauting, consistent, and not dependent on our life circumstances. We praise God because he is God, we praise him because he is good and the definition of good. We don't praise him because he is good to us, we praise him because he's good period!
Wherever your treasure is there your heart will be also. So if you treasure singing like I do but your heart is stuck somewhere then start singing first and maybe your heart will follow.
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