Dear friends,
If you're reading this it's because you have heard that I've started a blog about my recent health issues. Please bear with my writing as I haven't written a paper in over 6 months but I promise the more I write in this blog the better my writing habits will become.
Because this journey started a few weeks ago I've decided to summarize it into two parts (pre and post diagnosis)
Pre-diagnosis started months ago when I got an annoying cough with no other symptoms. After going to the doctor a few times and being told it was just a virus that would eventually go away I decided to just start ignoring it. However, on June 13th I had to get knee surgery for my ACL which I had torn the previous summer. Once again I went to the doctor and asked about the cough and once again I was told it was just a virus and there was nothing in my lungs. I went on with the knee surgery (which is a complete other story full of pain) and just began to wait for my body to recover.
A week after my surgery my mom once again forced me to go to the walk-in clinic for my cough and I was prescribed an inhaler and if it didn't help my cough in 3-4 days then I was also given a prescription for an x-ray.
On the 4th day I didn't really mind my cough anymore but because I had to go to see my surgeon anyways I decided I may as well get the x-ray...
After the x-ray they found that I had some irregularities between my lungs and within a few weeks I also received...
blood tests (x3)
CT scan
muga/stress test
ECG scan (x2)
bone marrow biopsy (ouchie!)
tumour biopsy
After the tumour biopsy I was diagnosed with non-hodgkin's lymphoma and was then referred to the BC Cancer Agency.
Now we're into post-diagnosis
Skipping forward a week I started my chemotherapy treatment this past Monday and that was not a fun day. While I was getting treatment I was okay but a few hours after I got a big dose of nausea that lasted throughout the night and into the morning. By the time I got back to the agency for my second day of treatment I was too dehydrated to be treated so I spent 8 hours on an IV drip getting pumped with anti-nausea medication, potassium, and sodium. I felt a bit better after that but I also felt a little yucky. My treatment was then postponed to Wednesday so that I would have a little time to get better.
All I can say is TGI-Thursday. The past couple days had been rough but God was pretty amazing the whole way through.
Tuesday was by far the worst day but when a lady came to do my blood work I recognized her from Glad Tidings, and she recognized me as well. God must have sent her himself because he knew I was in dire need of an angel. She took my blood without causing any pain or discomfort and then said a small prayer for me and my mom that filled the room with God's presence and peace. I've had moments like this almost every day throughout my journey but this has by far been the most moving one God is just so good in the way he cares for his children.
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